Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Black Holes!!

I can't believe I haven't done a post on black holes before, because they are SOO INTERESTING!!  That kind of stuff, the mysterious, sometimes supernatural, mythical, things of the universe are just so interesting to me! Like pyramids, the Bermuda Triangle, Stonehenge, etc.

Anyways I was researching black holes and I found this super-mega-awesome site that has experiments and videos and all this stuff about black holes, so I will give you the link and I will also tell you a little bit of what I learned from it!


There you go!

Now what I learned:

There are two main types of black holes: supermassive and stellar.  The supermassive black holes (no, not the Muse song) are larger than the stellar black holes, but in a sense, they are less powerful-ish.  Let me try to explain:
Okay, so you're going to be sucked into a black hole.  Sorry, but you're gonna die:(  There are two situations: you could be sucked into a stellar black hole or a supermassive black hole.  At first thought, you would think that supermassive would be far more dangerous and would kill you quicker, but that is not the case.  Since black holes have a central single point of infinite density, they also have a very large gravitational pull.  And the smaller the black hole, the smaller the point, the larger the pull.

 So it would be like condensing the earth into a ball the size of a marble; it would be soo much smaller, but it would have the exact same density, so it would have a much greater gravitational pull.  That is how the central point of a black hole works.

So anyways, lets say you are being sucked into a stellar black hole (smaller). You go feet first, and since the gravitational pull on your feet is so strong, it begins to stretch out your body.  Before you are able to reach the central "infinite density" point of the black hole, your body is ripped into pieces by the pull.  Nice, huh?

However, if you were sucked feet first into a supermassive black hole, your body would be stretched by the pull, but since they are bigger, the pull is less, so you would survive that part and you would be able to enter into the infinite density and become apart of the black hole.  I think you would die, but who knows?  Time travel?!  Worm holes?!  Links to other universes?!  Want to try it?:D


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